Kashmiri youth- The key to the future Kashmir

We are living in the midst of one of the most glorious revolutions in Indian history. This revolution is happening right now under our noses, and it is being set up by the dynamic Indian youth. The youth play an extremely important role in the evolution of any nation. In India, youth play an important role, and if we look back in time, youth have always played an extremely important role, whether it is nation building or the Indian freedom struggle since the Mughals. It was well understood at the time that youth power is an important factor in India's development.

Kashmir has always been regarded as a vital part of India. Famous visionaries have even referred to the state as "paradise on Earth," and it is an integral and indivisible part of India. For the past six decades, this state has been the source of bitter conflict between our neighbouring countries, Pakistan and India. Pakistan, which is culturally and religiously similar to the state, has taken unfair advantage of mobilising Kashmiri youth against India, diverting the enthusiastic and jubilant youth energy towards chaos and disorder. Kashmir's current population is estimated to be around one crore people. Whereas 55 percent of its population is between the ages of 15 and 35. This generation of youth is a powerful force. They are energetic, enthusiastic, and full of zeal, but many of them lack direction. It is past time for the government to take the necessary actions and do everything in their power to bring the youth of Kashmir back into the mainstream of the nation and utilise them by pipelining them into the nation building grid.

A Kashmiri citizen always identifies with Kashmir first, then with India. Regional allegiances take precedence over national allegiances. If the situation is not brought under control, it will only worsen and may spiral out of control.

The most obvious source of this upheaval is the state's sociopolitical political structure. For a long time, the youth has witnessed the leadership's ambivalent attitude toward the problems and challenges that the state faces in development. The leadership has consistently failed to inspire the youth with evolved thinking, forcing Kashmiri boys to pick up arms or engage in anti-national activities such as social unrest and stone pelting. A slew of issues keep staring them in the face: inadequate housing, poor medical and recreational facilities, neurotic noise pollution, scarcity, dust and smoke, crime, and the spread of Islamic fundamentalism. This enraged youth joins the army of war mongers known as 'the jihadis,' is unprepared for reality, and is eventually misled by some opportunistic and selfish leaders.

In recent years, the government and security forces have done fantastic work in improving the situation in the state's remote villages. As a result of all of the security forces' actions, the economic conditions of the villages have improved, as have the development-cum-job opportunities for rural youth. To a large extent, security forces have been successful in instilling patriotism in the minds of youth.

It is not difficult to mobilise Kashmiri youth for nation-building. It necessitates a high level of concentration, patience, and connection. The youth must be told about their potential, the opportunities that await them, and the goals that they can achieve. Once we have gained the trust and support of the youth, the day will not be far off when Kashmir will regain its former status as a paradise.

Ideas, opinions, and points of view expressed in articles are those of the author.

Published on 11 Aug 2022 on Kashmir Files.